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The Japanese Studies Program strives to maintain in contact with all alumni and friends. We would love to hear about your news and accomplishments. If you would like to share your success stories, please send an email to We would love to post your testimonial on our website.

Also, please feel free to visit our Facebook page for any updates on program news, events, and job opportunities.

Why Japanese? - JAPN 20B

Students in JAPN 20B created advocacy videos to share the benefits of learning Japanese language and culture with others. We hope that you are encouraged to start and/or continue learning Japanese language and culture by watching these videos!

Why Japanese? - JAPN 150ABC

Students in JAPN 150C in WI23 created this advocacy video to share the benefits of mastering the Japanese language and expanding your cultural competence and critical thinking on issues in modern and contemporary Japan.

[Fun facts]

  • JAPN 150ABC are repeatable, up to twice (8 units).
  • JAPN 150ABC may be used as UD non-language courses by petition.
  • Students who completed JAPN 140C or placed in JAPN 150ABC are eligible for any JAPN 150 offered. 


Annual Alumni Perspectives Event Archive

Watch recordings of our past alumni events! Enjoy!

Alumni Testimonials

  • Nikki Erika Riser
    (B.S. in Management Science at UC San Diego, 2012)
  • Tony Wang
    (B.A. in Psychology and Philosophy at UC San Diego, 2012)
  • Gloria Wu
    (B.S. in Biochemistry and Cellular Biology and B.A. in Japanese Studies at UC San Diego, 2012, Doctor of Pharmacy, USD School of Pharmacy, 2016)
  • Dylan Yokoyama
    (B.S. in Nano Engineering and Minor in Japanese Studies at UC San Diego, 2014 / Master of Entertainment Arts & Engineering at University of Utah, 2017)
  • Laura Lee
    (B.A. in Japanese Studies, B.A. in International Studies-Linguistics at UC San Diego, 2015)
  • Anthony Joseph O'Donnell 
    (M.A. in Bilingual Education with Emphasis in American Sign Language and English at UC San Diego, 2015)
  • Bingrui Chen
    (B.A. in Japanese Studies at UC San Diego, 2018)
  • Jeremy Wan
    (B.A. in Japanese Studies, B.S. in Chemical Engineering at UC San Diego, 2019)
  • Stephanie Borria
    (B.A. in Japanese Studies and B.S. in Psychology at UC San Diego, 2011 / MSc in Modern Japanese Studies from St Antony's College at the University of Oxford, 2017)
  • Erik Chen
    (B.A. in Japanese Studies at UC San Diego, 2014)
  • Megan Murata
    (B.A. in Japanese Studies at UC San Diego, 2019)
  • Derek Tse
    (B.S. in Computer Science and Minors in Japanese Studies and Math at UC San Diego, 2021)
  • Sophie Osborn
    (B.A. in International Studies-History and Minor in Japanese Studies at UC San Diego, 2018)
  • Keikilani Cabus
    (B.A. in Japanese Studies at UC San Diego, 2017)
  • Jack Stovold
    (B.A. in Japanese Studies at UC San Diego, 2007)
  • Mandy Zhang
    (B.A. in Japanese Studies, B.A. in Economics, 2022)
  • Jacqueline Yang
    (B.A. in Japanese Studies at UC San Diego, 2020)

Study Abroad Testimonials

Check out the former students' study abroad testimonials in this video!
Study Abroad in Japan

Contact Study Abroad UC San Diego for questions.

Colloquium: Joseph Naiman Graduate Fellowship in Japanese Studies

The Japanese Studies Program is pleased to announce a call for proposals for graduate students who are conducting research on Japan. Joseph Naiman Graduate Fellowships in Japanese Studies mini-grants are intended for academic research for Summer and the following academic year. Applicants can apply for up to $10,000 to support research and study on Japan. 

Check out the recent colloquium of the Joseph Naiman fellows on YouTube. Five of the recent Naiman Fellows (from 2020-2023) presented their research projects in Spring, 2024 and shared their passion with the Japanese Studies faculty and undergraduate students. Stay tuned for more Naiman Fellowship presenations by the awardees in the future.