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Independent Study (JAPN 199)


See the information and instruction on how to request enrollment in JAPN 199 below.

If you have any questions, contact the Japanese Studies Program via the VAC for assistance.


Directed Honors Thesis Program (JAPN 196A-B)


Japanese Studies Directed Honors Thesis Program is designed for seniors who wish to undertake an extended research or creative production project under supervision of a Japanese Studies faculty member. Because the Honors Program requires a two-quarter sequence of courses, students get an opportunity to work at length with faculty on an individual project.

How to Enroll

  1. Select a faculty member with whom you plan to do research. It is generally advised you seek a professor with whom you have taken courses with.
  2. Before meeting with a professor, have a general idea of what topic or issue you would like to research. Many times, students expand on previous papers/assignments.

    Contact the faculty member, and provide them with proof of meeting the GPA and unit requirements for 196A-B (Eligible students must have completed 90 units with at least a 3.2 Overall GPA and 3.5 Major GPA)

  3. Once your placement is confirmed, fill out the JAPN 196AB Faculty-Student Agreement Form.
  4. Submit the form to the Japanese Studies Office via email (japan@ucsd.ed) for final approval.
    Note: Applications are due on Friday of Week 1 of the quarter in which you will be conducting your JAPN 196 research commitment.
  5. Once you receive a notification that JAPN 196AB is created in Schedule of Classes, enroll in it via WebReg.
  6. Enjoy your research!