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Japanese Studies Program Japanese Studies Program

Independent Study (JAPN 199)

See the information and instruction on how to request enrollment in Independent Study if you're interested in doing an Independent Study course for your Japanese Studiese major/minor.

Students majoring/minoring in Japanese Studies may use one JAPN 199 (P/NP) for their UD Non-language requirement. Your JAPN 199 faculty advisor must be selected from the Japanese Studies Affiliated Faculty. It is recommended that you ask a faculty member whose Japanese Studies course(s) you have completed to become your faculty advisor for your JAPN 199.

If you have any questions, contact the Japanese Studies Program via the VAC for assistance.

Directed Honors Thesis Program (JAPN 196A-B)

Students who qualify for honors take a two quarter sequence Japanese Studies 196A-B (Fall and Winter Quarters preferred) of directed study during which they define a research project, carry out the research, and complete an honors thesis. The completed honors thesis will be evaluated by a committee consisting of the student's thesis adviser and one other faculty member appointed by the Japanese Studies Program director. 

All Honors students with a GPA in the major of: 3.5-3.79 will graduate with DISTINCTION, 3.8-3.89 will graduate with HIGH DISTINCTION, 3.9-4.00 will graduate with HIGHEST DISTINCTION.


  • Junior standing or higher
  • A GPA of 3.5 or better in the major
  • Overall GPA of 3.2 or better
  • Completion of at least four upper-division non-language courses approved by the Program in Japanese Studies.
  • Recommendation of a faculty sponsor familiar with the student's work.

How to Enroll

  1. Select a faculty member with whom you plan to do research. It is generally advised you seek a professor with whom you have taken courses with.
  2. Before meeting with a professor, have a general idea of what topic or issue you would like to research. Many times, students expand on previous papers/assignments.
    Contact the faculty member, and provide them with proof of meeting the GPA and unit requirements for 196A-B* or 199**.

    *Eligible students must have completed 90 units with at least a 3.2 Overall GPA and 3.5 Major GPA
    **Eligible students must have completed 90 units with at least a 2.5 GPA

  3. Once your placement is confirmed, complete an application (196A-B Form), course plan and reading list.
    The course plan is a written statement or outline that highlights how the research will be conducted. This will also include a list of book titles that will be read during the quarter for your research.
  4. Submit your honors application, course plan and reading list to the Japanese Studies Office via email ( for final approval. Applications are due at the end of the 8th week of the quarter prior to which you will be conducting your JAPN 196A-B research commitment. The Director of the Japanese Studies Program will make the approval decision within 2 weeks from the receipt of the form.