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Japanese Studies Program Japanese Studies Program

How to Petition Courses


When to Submit Course Petitions:

Once your transcripts have been transfered to UC San Dieog and your courses become available in your Academic History and Degree Audit, you can submit your course petitions for them. 

To petition Japanese language courses, you need to prepare 3 separate documents:

1. UCSD Undergraduate Petition form (PDF)
    Be sure to include the transferred transcript's course numbers and units in the "If UCSD Course" section. If the courses are not posted on your academic history/degree audit, you must wait to petition them until they become available.
2. Course syllabus (PDF)
3. Five photos or scanned images of hand written materials such as papers, essays, kanji quizzes, writing assignments. You may submit them as five separate images (JPEG or PNG) or combine them into one (PDF).

Note: If the instructors need additional materials to determine the JAPN equivalency of your course(s), they may ask you to videotape all the materials you used and submit it. Keep all the course materials until you get an approval.

To petition Non-language courses, you need to prepare 2 separate documents:

1. UCSD Undergraduate Petition form (PDF)   
    Be sure to include the transferred transcript's course numbers and units in the "If UCSD Course" section. If the courses are not posted on your academic history/degree audit, you must wait to petition them until they become available.
2. Course syllabus (PDF)


Before you submit your petition, review your form:

       1. Check the right box at the top. Departmental Exception for major/minor, College Exception for GE, University Exception for DEI

       2. Make sure that "If UCSD Course" is filled out completely. (Section ID is not required for non-UCSD courses)

       3. Write your petition request in details in "Request". If your information is missing, it will not be processed. It is your responsibility to clarify your major/minor/GE requirement and how you'd like to use your course for it.

           Bad example:
           "I would like to use this course for my major/minor/GE."

           Good examples:
           "I would like to use this course to count as an UD non-lang. course for my Japanese Studies minor"
           "I would like to use these three 3-unit courses to count as two UD JAPN courses for my Japanese Studies major"
           "I would like to use this course to fulfill my college GE's language requirement (JAPN 20A equivalent = fourth quarter level)"
           "I would like to use this course to fulfill my college GE's area studies requirement 

        4. The petition form and syllabus must be saved and attached as PDF. The images of your hand-written materials must be saved and attached as PDF, JPEG, or PNG. No online documents (such as Google Docs) will be accepted. 

        5. If this petition is for Japanese Studies double major or minor, wait to submit your petition until it is available in your degree audit. You cannot submit your petition if your double major/minor request is still pending. 

How to submit petitions electronically:

        1. Save your petition as a PDF file and name it as follows: 
        Name(LastFirst) PTTN Date (MMDDYYYY)
        Example: YamadaHanakoPTTN03252020

        2. Submit all your documents to in one email.
        In the subject line, enter “Course Petition: Last, First (PID), Reason for this petition (Major/Minor/GE)”
        Example: Course Petition: Yamada, Hanako (A01234567), Japanese Studies major 


  • To find out if you need to petition the courses you took at your community college, go to for the articulation agreements.

  • Course petitions will NOT be processed during the Add/Drop period (Week 1-2). The petitioning review process could take up to 4 weeks. Please submit your complete course petition by Week 5 if you'd like to have it reviewed and approved by the end of the quarter.