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Japanese Studies Program Japanese Studies Program

Frequently Asked Questions

Please see below for responses to commonly asked questions. If you have further questions, please contact the Japanese Studies Program through the Virtual Advising Center (VAC).

JAPN Enrollment

How do I know which JAPN course I should take?

If you have never studied Japanese and are new to the language, enroll in JAPN 10A which is offered only during fall quarter. If you have been exposed to the language before, take a placement test.

I took AP Japanese in high school. Which JAPN course should I take?

AP credit does not give you a pass to enroll in a certain JAPN course. Please take a placement test.

I took articulated Japanese language courses at a community college. Why can I not enroll in the next level JAPN course?

Even if the Japanese courses you took at a community college are articulated, you are not guaranteed to place in the next level class on our scale. Please take a placement test.

I speak Japanese a little at home, but I can barely read or write. Can I enroll in JAPN 10A?

No, you must take a placement test.

I have reached the maximum unit limitation, but I would like to continue to learn Japanese. Can I take a JAPN course?

Yes, please submit your preauthorization request via EASy. Consult with your college advisor if you have any questions or concerns.

I’m not a UCSD student. Can I enroll in a JAPN course?

Yes, please contact UC San Diego Extension about the Concurrent Enrollment Program.

The JAPN course I want to take is full and has a waitlist. What are the chances of me getting in?

If you are not among the first few students on the waitlist, move to an available section to secure your enrollment.

I’m waitlisted for a JAPN course. What should I do?

Move to an available section to secure your enrollment.

Major & Minor

I would like to minor in Japanese Studies. How do I declare it?

Go to TritonLink’s Major/Minor tool. Submit a course list through the system. You can enter “unknown” for the UD non-language courses and decide what to take later. All the courses must be taken for a letter grade.

I would like to double major in Japanese Studies. What should I do?

Consult with your major and college advisors to see if your schedule allows you to declare a second major. Schedule an appointment with both major advisors to complete the form. Bringing a tentative academic plan with the second major included to the appointments is recommended.

Read more about double majoring in Japanese Studies. 

Study Abroad

I’m a Japanese Studies major/minor and would like to study abroad in Japan. What should I do?

Contact the Study Abroad Office and collect information. Once you have an idea of which program and school you’d like to select, schedule an appointment with the Japanese Studies Program Coordinator to go over the options and your academic plan together.

Find more information on our Study Abroad page

I’m NOT a Japanese Studies major/minor and would like to study abroad in Japan. What should I do?

Contact the Study Abroad Office.

I need to fill out the application form from the Study Abroad Office. What should I do?

Schedule an appointment with the Japanese Studies Program Coordinator. Please see contact information and advising hours.

Could you tell me which study abroad courses are eligible for Japanese Studies?

We are unable to preauthorize any study abroad courses, and you must petition them upon your return to use them for your major/minor requirements. Remember to select upper division courses that focus on Japan (Japan-related content must be at least 50%), to take the courses for a letter grade, and to save all the course work and materials for petitioning.

I am studying abroad in Japan and want to continue my Japanese language studies after returning to UCSD. What should I do?

I studied abroad in Japan and would like to submit petitions to use the courses for my Japanese Studies major/minor, other major, and/or GE requirement. What should I do?

Fill out the petition form, bundle it with all the course materials, and schedule an appointment to submit your petition. Please see contact information and advising hours.

Be sure to wait until your study abroad transcripts are in your academic history so that you can put all the course information on the form.
